Hello Parents, Students and Families.

My name is Miss Victoria Casonato and I am looking forward to an exciting Term 4.

In the first week of Term 4, Grade 3s participated in the Interschool Athletics Carnival. As we are a small school, I was very proud of the 10 students who attended and represented our school with courage, determination and who tried their best in every event!

Our new elected Class Captain for Term 4 is Zerrem Avut.

In the classroom, the students have been introduced to Information Reports.

In Maths, the students are focusing on worded problems where they have enjoyed creating their own worded problems and swapping these for others to solve.

In the Homework Booklets, there are various activities that the students should be completing each night, which includes Mathletics and Reading Eggs tasks.

The students should be reading their take-home books each night and recording the pages that they have read. Some students are not doing this so I have requested from the students that after reading each night, they are to ask an older sibling, parent or family member to sign next to their entry.

Thank you for your support and wishing you all a successful term ahead!

Grade 3
Grade 3
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Miss Victoria Casonato
Grade 3 Teacher